Daily time wasters |
Slashdot |
Ray Tracing and Graphics |
POV-Ray beware - I have squandered years of my life tinkering with this program Henrik Wann Jensen's page (photon mapping animations) Ray Tracing News edited by Eric Haines Physically based rendering book and ray tracer Siggraph presentation(ppt) by Gordon Stoll on optimizing a ray tracer (covers kd-tree construction and traversal, packet tracing) OpenRT OpenGL-like api for (quasi)real-time ray tracing OpenGL Reference (blue book) OpenGL Programming Guide (red book) Ompf2 ray tracing forum (good info on accelleration structures) |
Packet Radio |
The Personal Telco Project, a Portland OR wireless user group MIT Roofnet, a working ad-hoc net work that uses a custom dsdv routing protocol with a reliability-based metric implemented with click (this is part of the MIT grid ad-hoc networking project) CMU Monarch project, home of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) MACSS project at the UCLA Center for Embedded Network Sensing (CENS), home of much energy-constrained packet radio research HostAP (use your linux box as an access point) NS, the network simulator Green Bay Professional Packet Radio has a wealth of amateur packet radio information Wikipedia's exhaustive ad-hoc protocol list Wikipedia's ad-hoc protocol implementation list Satellite telemetry and other interesting info can be found at heavens above (info for Beaverton) |
Linux |
Linux Weekly News and kernel section archives Linux Device Drivers, 2nd edition Linux Device Drivers, 3rd edition Vim quick reference |
Books |
Internet Booklist my ibl page Project Gutenberg Looking for something to read?
Reference |
Wikipedia (my account) Citeseer All you ever wanted to know about c function pointers but were afraid to ask can be found at function-pointer.org Internet annoyance logging protocol Developing Applications With Ocaml |
Blogs and Essays |
Paul Graham (assorted essays on programming and culture) Schneier on Security (cryptogram as a blog) The Edge World Question Center |
Misclaneous |
The Jargon File Interactive Fiction Contest Core Wars Ken Thompson discusses compiler trojans Driver Education and Europe vs Italy (flash, sound) Some Fractals Advice for writing a systems paper Sekai no Hajimari, a fan site for Haibane Renmei (an excellent anime series) |